There are a variety of ways to serve God at LuWiSoMo during the summer as part of our Summer Camp Ministry Team – for one or two weeks or the full summer, paid or volunteer – including Counselors, Counselors-In-Training (CITs), Helping Hearts Volunteers, Nurse / Health Supervisor of the week, and Campground Host Team.
While God uniquely equips each team member with their own gifts, all share a passion for working together to serve God, love like Jesus, and share God’s love and Gospel in meaningful and life-changing ways with each camper God brings to camp and with each other.
If you want to help make a difference in the lives of others as well as your own and have lots of fun in the process, all in a beautiful outdoor ministry setting, read on to learn more and contact us to apply to join the team!
“Being a part of the Summer Camp Ministry Team at LuWiSoMo is life changing. I’ve made lifelong friends, shared and grown in my faith, and had an absolute blast while doing it. No other experience compares!”
Daniel (Paradox)
Summer Camp Counselors are responsible for a cabin of youth campers (Youth Camps) or serve as leaders and “Buddies” for one or two campers (Joyful Hearts Camps). Counselors build community, lead daily camp activities, facilitate faith discussions, and work closely with fellow summer camp ministry team members to ensure an engaging and awesome camp experience for all campers.
Counselors typically serve the full summer and are provided with housing, meals, and financial compensation. Counselors and Senior Counselors must be at least a year out of high school. However, High School Seniors may apply to serve as Junior Counselors. Contact us to learn more or apply >
Counselors-in-Training (CITs)
High school students interested in spending one or two weeks volunteering at camp serving alongside our summer camp counselors and staff can apply to serve as a Counselor-in-Training (CIT). CIT Flyer | Learn more >
Helping Hearts Volunteers
Individuals or Small Group Servant Events
Helping Hearts volunteers are God’s servants of all ages – high school to retirees – who spend a week at camp serving as a “Buddy” to a Joyful Hearts Camper (young adult or adult camper with some developmental disabilities). “Buddies” participate in camp activities together with their assigned camper and assist them as needed. At the end of the week, it’s hard to know who feels more blessed – “Buddy” or camper! Volunteer for one or multiple weeks during the summer.
We also offer Helping Heart servant event experiences for smaller youth groups.
Volunteer Nurse / Health Supervisor Of The Week
Each week of summer camp we need a volunteer nurse, nursing student, EMT, or equivalent to serve as our Health Supervisor handling distribution of medication and any medical emergencies. Your meals, and housing for you and your family, are provided. Enjoy time at camp while serving God and sharing your gifts! Contact us to learn more and schedule your week. Thank you!
Campground Host Team
Love camping and people? Each weekend starting Memorial Day through mid September we need a campground host (individual, couple, or family) to welcome and assist guests. We’re seeking a few hosts to be part of a team to share this role so team members have flexibility to serve a few weekends or more as they’re able. Contact us to learn more about our Campground Host Team!